

I'm uploading some of my sketchies, I will start uploading sketches to this blog!

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OMG another dragonnn! D:

I figured I'd post a commission of mine from an online client! Still working on my photoshop skills, but here is where they are at this moment...

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First Post! :D

Hey everyone, this is my first post, and I figured I'd post a piece of artwork!

Dragons are a favorite subject matter of mine, So you will probably see a lot of them!

I'm new to posting my artwork online, it's a pretty fun thing to do, and I would LOVE LOVE if more people started to see my work and maybe *ahem* commission me and such. I can dream, can't I? haha :)

I will post a few more small pieces of artwork, a lot are uncolored, I find it's difficult to find color for things, sometimes, or that sometimes certain pieces just look better without color.

I used to draw dinosaurs a lot when I was a kid, it's kind of funny how I progressed into drawing dragons, to me at least!

Dragons can look like anything you can think up in your mind, I guess that's why I find them so fun to draw: almost no rules at all!

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I am an illustration major in college who is completely obsessed with all things fantasy and sci-fi! I am an extravert who greatly enjoys talking and meeting new people, and I love finding new artists to appreciate :)


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